You Are Loved Mission
brings love to the homeless, people in correctional/rehabilitation facilities, the youth, and all others who read the "You Are Loved" message.
This message speaks into:
What we do:
You Are Loved Mission simply reminds people God loves them. We do this through sharing the message "You Are Loved", a message that brings God's presence wherever it is displayed, as 1 John 4:16 tells us "God is love". Through murals in homeless shelters, talks in schools, intentional relationship with inmates and people in the homeless shelters/streets, clothing, cards, and much more, we've seen so many lives changed. We are so grateful to be able to participate in countless deep conversations, shared testimonies, preaching of the Gospel, prayer, and conversions, all starting from the message "You Are Loved".

Our Story
​What Inspired This Mission?
"It all started with a vision I received in 2019. With photography I had grown a large following on Instagram, and had the idea to start a clothing line. I figured I could spread it well through social media, but was unsure what the clothing line should be. I was at a FOCUS Catholic Conference (SEEK19) , and while praying I said "God, I don't know what to do with this clothing line, I'm giving it to You. What do you want me to do?" At that moment, I had a vision. The vision was of a girl waking up with black makeup smeared under her eyes, and she looked like she had been crying. She got out of bed, walked into the bathroom, looked into the mirror, looked down at her shirt, and it said "You Are Loved". She smiled.
As soon as the vision ended I exclaimed (interiorly) "Woah, that's it!" After the conference ended I went home and searched for scripture about love. I came across the verse 1 John 4:16, saying "God is love", and realized the magnitude of the message He had just given me, that it brings Gods presence everywhere it's displayed.
So the clothing line began, and after about a year of selling shirts, the sales died down and my financial partner backed out. I had tons of shirts left over, and I began bringing them to something called Labre and giving them out. Labre was an outreach day (named after St. Benedict Joseph Labre) in which we would set up a table in areas where the homeless gathered, and we would give out coffee and donuts, with the goal to have good friendly conversation, upholding the dignity of those on the streets. The first person I gave a shirt too was a guy sitting by a tree. I walked over to Him and asked if He wanted a T-shirt. He said "Sure, what does it say?" I told him "it says You Are Loved, it's a reminder God loves you." He replied "You know, after everything I've done it's kind of hard to believe that sometimes." He then opened up about how he had been battling a heroin addiction for years, and that gave me an opportunity to share my story and how I had a heroin addiction years ago, but the Lord broke the chains of addiction in my life and gave me new life in His love. I asked if I could pray with him for the Lord to do the same in his life. Towards the end of the prayer he began yelling "Thank you Jesus" over and over again and was crying tears of joy. I witnessed this man encounter Jesus right in front of my eyes.
Over the course of the next week I couldn't stop thinking about that moment, and had the conviction that this is much more than just a clothing line. It's a mission the Lord is calling me to, to spread this message to the broken and bring people into an intimate encounter with the healing and transformative love of Christ.
At another FOCUS Catholic Conference, SLS20, a friend told me to ask Jesus a big question in Eucharistic adoration. He told me to ask "Jesus, what specifically is my mission?" I did so, and what I received was "Bring love to the homeless, bring love to people in correctional facilities, and bring love to the youth." From this point on, I began taking steps forward to build a non-profit ministry, You Are Loved Mission, to do exactly that."
- Bobby Kenney III
What Is Happening Now?
As of March 2021, we are officially an established 501c3 non-profit corporation. Since then, over 800 “You Are Loved” shirts have been donated to the homeless/prisoners/youth, 10’s of thousands of cards have been given out, multiple 16ft murals have been painted in homeless shelters, banners have been put up in schools, the mission and our founders testimony has been presented to hundreds of youth, and many of the youth and adults we’ve reached continue to actively wear the shirts to spread the message themselves.
Bobby Kenney III, our founder, went full- time with the mission at the end of 2022, dedicating his time and efforts into bringing the love of God to many more souls. He goes to 3 different homeless shelters each week as well as to the streets to be a friend to those living in emotional and spiritual poverty, sharing the good news of the Gospel. He alsoo participates in prison and youth ministry.
We are currently fundraising for the Mission so that we can continue serving those in need, as well as to work towards adding additional staff and missionaries to our team in Dayton. Please consider making a monthly donation to help us reach our goals.
​​​How Else Can I Get Involved?​
There are many ways to get involved and join us on mission:​
Praying for the Holy Spirits guidance in this mission
Joining us on Mission
Visiting our online shop and purchasing items that equip you to spread the message in your community
Supporting us financially
Donating a t-shirt
Handing out cards
Requesting a Mural/Banner to put on display in your workplace/establishment
Connecting us with places that serve the youth, homeless, and prisoners
Loving your neighbor